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Fireplace Bifold Glass Doors

Brick-Anew's bifold fireplace doors are a classy and practical addition to any fireplace.  Bifold fireplace doors are easy to use and install.  Our collection provides a variety of options in style and price.

Bifold fireplace doors consist of four panes, two for each door.  The panes of each door are hinged and fold in the middle like a closet door.  These doors can be customized to fit the size of your fireplace perfectly.  The glass can be tinted to hide leftover ashes and burnt wood or clear to show off beautiful gas logs.  The color of the frame can be customized to match your decor, but you can customize cabinet style fireplace doors too.  (Cabinet doors have two hinges, one on the outside edge of each door.  They swing out just like your cabinet doors do.)

Why choose bifold doors over cabinet doors?

Bifold doors minimize how far your doors stick out beyond the opening of your fireplace.  While looking for fireplace doors online, you've probably seen lots of images of doors shut while the fire is burning.  Fireplace doors should never be closed while the fire is burning so why do all these images display the doors closed?  When cabinet fireplace doors are open, they can look a little clumsy.

closed fireplace doors
bifold doors

If each pane of glass is 16 inches wide, 16 inches of glass hangs out beyond each side of the fireplace when the doors are open.  Depending on your fireplace, this could make it difficult to walk by or restrict the items you can place nearby.  That same door, if it was bifold, would only hang out 8 inches on either side.

The downside to bifold doors is that there is a seam in the middle of each door when the doors are fully closed.  This can allow for some cold air to come through into the house, though for most homes (especially if you have a damper) it won't make much of a difference.

How to Open Bifold Fireplace Doors

There are two methods of opening doors for the two styles of bifold doors you'll encounter.  The first type of bifold doors are tracked doors.  These doors slide along a track until they are fully open (and the panes of glass on each door are almost back-to-back) or until they are fully closed (and the two doors meet in the middle).  These doors are very similar to traditional closet doors.  Note that if each pane of glass is eight inches wide, the doors will extend about eight inches straight out in front of the fireplace when fully open.  This can create a handy shield on either side of the fire.  Plus if you have a rough or uneven surface surrounding your fireplace, you'll never have to worry about the glass scraping or breaking on it.  To open these doors, slide them gently along the track.

The second type of bifold doors are trackless doors.  Instead of sliding these doors along a track, you will gently pull to release the first pane of glass from the frame.  Then you'll pull the doors outwards until the panes of glass are back-to-back and the doors are flush with the surround.  This is the fully open position.  These doors give you a lot of versatility since you could open them up to a certain point or all the way.

If you're thinking about purchasing trackless doors, check if your firebox is flush with the surround.  In the image to the right, you can see that the firebox is recessed slightly so the trackless doors are not able to sit flush against the surround.  Usually trackless doors are slightly more expensive so don't spend the extra money on a feature you can't use if your firebox is recessed slightly.

Another benefit to trackless doors is the easy cleaning.  Both sides of the doors are readily accessible making them far easier to clean than their tracked companions.

trackless bifold doors

To see exactly what I'm talking about in this article, check out these two videos.

Bifold Fireplace Doors with Screen

Bifold doors are fully compatible with mesh screens.  While you're shopping, look for the dropdown menu "Add Mesh Doors/Curtains to my Order."  This indicates that you can add a screen to your doors.

One more note on the shopping, many of our door frames can be fitted with either cabinet or bifold doors.  So even if a product picture on this page, don't worry.  Click on the product and look for the dropdown menu "Select Door Style."  You can choose bifold style doors here.

How to Remove Bifold Fireplace Doors

If you need to completely remove your doors for a deep clean, start by putting them in the full open position.  Remove the doors from the top clip first and then from the bottom clip.

Shopping for Bifold Doors with Brick-Anew

All of our bifold fireplace doors are on this page.  Note that many of our door frames can be fitted with bifold or cabinet doors.  So even if a picture on this page contains a cabinet style door, you will be able to choose a bifold door at checkout using the "Select Door Style" drop down menu.

The first step to shopping for any fireplace door is to use the "Shop by Fireplace Type" filter.  Masonry fireplaces and prefab fireplaces accept different types of doors so it's important not to buy masonry doors if you have a prefab fireplace and vice versa.  Check out this page for more information on that.

Once you've filtered by fireplace type, add additional filters as necessary and shop!  If you have any questions or concerns, email or call our customer service team.  We'd be happy to help.

Please note that all of our prefab doors are divided into two categories: general and branded.  So The Coronet, for example, we sell in a general model for those who don't know their prefab fireplace manufacturer and in models for specific brands.  If you find a door you like on this page, go here to find the same door for your specific manufacturer.